Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Meet our Cast.

After searching throughout the Gothenburg area we finally found the right actors and actresses for this film. But for the male lead we broadened our search - looking to Britain to find the perfect match. And our prayers were answered in the form of a 20-year old Scott Buxton.

Scott Buxton 
Originally from a small town outside of Bristol, Scott moved to London for the sake of his studies. He is currently studying his second year of BA English at Goldsmiths, University of London. But it is the film industry that truly inspires Scott. Being in one of Europe's largest cities has proven to be a great door opener to the industry. He has already worked as an Assistant Producer on a feature film. Scott considers acting to be an art, and is really excited to be a part of our film. This will also be his first visit to Sweden. He is oh so welcome! We believe that he will bring a lot of excitement to the character, and accurately portray true British swagger. 

Scott will be playing Joey, a bored teenager that resents his Dad after being forced to move to Sweden. 

Joey's Dad, Henrik, is played by Lars Andersson. Herik finds it hard to handle the new life in Sweden - having to deal with a defiant teenage son and a presumably unfaithful new wife.   

Lars Andersson

Lars is an actor at Teater Trixter in Gothenburg. He was one of the founders and have, for the last 22 years, been active both as an actor and a director in a wide range of productions. Lars has taken a special interest in the plays of Sam Shepard, and has staged a number of them. Some of the film and TV productions that he has been part of are: "183 Dagar", "Häktet", "Den som viskar", "Karaokekungen", "Johan Falk - alla råns moder" etc. We are really pleased to have such a seasoned actor in our midst. That kind of experience is priceless, and we are confident that Lars will depict the complicated emotions of a broken man with grace. 

Sanna, the mistress that became a wife, is played by Tina Glenvik. The excitement Sanna first felt with Henrik is gone, and left is the boredom of everyday life. But as you make your bed...

Tina Glenvik

Tina is also an experienced performer, both as an actress and singer. After music studies in Gotheburg she move to New York to Study at HB Studio, and she has been singing ever since. Currently she is a professor at the Academy of Music and Drama, at University of Gothenburg. 2007 Tina received a cultural award from the county recognising her success. Naturally we are thrilled to have Tina in the female lead. Sanna is an emotionally confused women, which demands a great deal from an actress. We believe that she will execute the role to perfection. 

The main female supporting actress is Disa Östrand. She will play Louise, Joey's girlfriend. 

Disa Östrand
Disa is currently studying to become an Actress at the University of Dramatic Arts in Gothenburg. Her main passions are human behaviour, and the drama of humanity's conscious and unconscious struggle for life. She is also an amazing dancer. This role really suits Disa, as it will demand a great deal of emotional expression. We are not going to reveal too much, but we can say that she will go through a right roller coaster. We know that her performance will blow your socks off. 

The family's perfect neighbours are played by Carl-Markus Wickström and Emilia Roosmann. 

                              Carl-Markus Wickström                                                                        Emilia Roosmann

Carl-Markus has studied at Skara Skolscen, and since 2009 he has worked as a freelance actor in various theaters and films. 2012 he commenced his studies at the Academy of Music and Drama, at Gothenburg University.  

Emilia Roosmann has mainly worked in theater, most recently at TP-teatern and Communicera. At the age of 20 she got accepted to Skara Skolscen. Since then she has acted in films produced by Storm Film and SVT. 

As you understand by now, we have a hell of a Cast. When even the smaller parts are played by such fine performers as Carl-Markus and Emilia, we know that this film will be a success. It is with great pride we look at the photos of these talented people, and claim them as ours. 

The last piece of the puzzle is being fitted as this blog post goes live, and sooner rather than later we will have an equally fabulous actor playing the shady Private Investigator. Keep your eyes on this space to see who it will be. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

And so it all begins.

We have finally got our website up and running, and almost all cast and crew is set. It is really exciting to think that we will start shooting the film in two weeks time.

That is where this blog comes into play. We want to share this incredible experience with you. The blog will reveal insider info, and show you what is going on behind the scenes. By reading the blog and following us on Facebook and Twitter you can be the first to get all the juicy extras.

We encourage you to comment, and be a part or our creative process. It is with great pride that we welcome you to the world of Betrayal. Let’s make this one to remember.